Monday, April 18, 2011

Introduction: How many books do I read in a year?

I'm a reader.  I have been for my entire life, starting when I was about 4 and continuing rather obsessively until now, and I don't see  me giving up this beloved habit anytime soon.  I read a lot -- in the two minutes before class starts, while I'm eating, during commercials, at restaurants while I'm waiting to meet people, before bed, anytime, really, that I have to kill, I pull out a book.  My life is busy: I'm a full-time graduate student, I work at least one job (sometimes more), I am currently planning my wedding (and also my life), and I spend plenty of time with my fiancée and our friends.  My life probably won't ever stop being busy, especially since I plan on being a high school English teacher.  Nonetheless, I devote time every day to reading for pleasure -- not for homework or professional development or any kind of constructive purpose, just for the pure joy of reading a good book. I don't really have any rules about what I read -- I will read any genre as long as the book sounds interesting, and I have no problem putting a book down if I get bored.  I am never without a book, and a surprising amount of the time I am reading more than one book.

Thus I am curious: How many books do I read in a year?
I started keeping track on April 2, 2011, and plan on keeping track until at least April 2, 2012.  I'll note what book I'm reading and its author, how long it took for me to read it, and then anything else that strikes me about that particular book. 
So far, I've finished 3 books (which I will update on here as soon as possible), and I'm sure I'll finish more!

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