6. Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides (4/26/2011 - 5/9/2011)
I started reading this book mainly because of how much I enjoyed Eugenides' previous novel The Virgin Suicides. That book, which is narrated collectively by a group of boys in the neighborhood, was stunning in its conception and both elegant and heartbreaking in its delivery. There are certainly times when I feel like I should read it again to fully absorb its meanings, and perhaps I will. But that book is what drew me to this book, and though the subject matter was rather unusual, ultimately I really enjoyed it.
The actual plot of the novel only takes place in about ... maybe 100 pages, but the book itself is almost 600 pages long. Some sections, such as Cal's father's tour in the military or Desdemona (the main character's grandmother) and her escapades working for a church or the race riots in Detroit, are very detailed and not really necessary for the plot of the story and so feel rather drawn out -- it's not that they weren't interesting, they were just long. Other background for the main plot -- which comprises most of the rest of the book -- is fascinating in a conspiratorial and almost taboo way. I as the reader know the secrets of Cal's family before she does and so I see the twists coming. Of course, the main 'twist' of the novel (that Cal is a hermaphrodite) is revealed on the back cover. It's not even a twist, not in the traditional sense. But the novel does have twists, and well-written ones at that. Even though I knew what one character would reveal to Cal near the end of the novel, I was still surprised -- Eugenides' writing is wonderful like that.
I would certainly recommend this book, but it may not be my first choice for all readers. Some may really enjoy it, others may feel very uncomfortable, and others may experience this work as a mixture of both fascination and near-horror. I won't hide it: It's an uncomfortable book. The subject matter is very mature and sometimes the events are shocking or just frankly disgusting. Anyone who struggles with the concept of homosexuality, for whatever reason, would likely find issues with this book. But there is a peace to the novel, especially the last few chapters, that is remarkable, and that peace is part of what draws me to love this book.
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